Monday, December 8, 2008

Are You There, Lorne? It's Me, Callie.

Dear Lorne Michaels,

In future installments of SNL beginning with either this week's show or in January when everyone returns from their Winter Break, I'd like to see less exterior shots of 30 Rockefeller Center and more of them:

The Saturday Night Live Band

BTW, I know and Dave knows that the pic's outdated whereas Dr. Luke left after the 06-07 season and Jared Scharff is now in his place.

You know who they are? Dave Mackey and I both know who they are. Then why are you giving us, the home audience who cannot afford to go to New York to see SNL in person, a lot of grief. It's not fair that the House Band performs for the studio audience whereas the home audience gets stuck watching live shots of 30 Rock week after week. It's got to stop, NOW!!

I swear, when G.E. Smith was the band leader (85 to 95), that was when things were different. We got to know each and EVERY member (Chris Parker, T-Bone Wolk, Cheryl Hardwick, Shawn Pelton, Paul Ossola, etc.), including the guest members such as Buddy Guy, Bela Fleck, and an occasional apperance by the Beehive Queen herself (and current SNL Band Vocalist) Christine Ohlman.

C'mon, Lorne. Stop acting like a child and do something right for a change.

Callie Ray

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